The Reasons Why You Will Not Hit Your Goals in 2020
I'm no Gary Vee but I am a project manager. I have been managing projects since age 22. I have missed goals before both personally and professionally. I reevaluate where and why I sometimes miss the mark because my livelihood relies on it. I take a lot of what I have learned professionally and apply it to my personal goals. This is what I know at age 34 about hitting goals. 1. You make unrealistic goals without a timeline. A big goal has to be broken into realistic chunks. You may list "Lose 50 pounds" as one of your goals without a timeline throughout the year. You literally have all year to hit this goal. Naturally, this vagueness allows for you to put it off since there aren't target dates. You need to list subgoals under this goal such as losing 10 pounds by March 1st, lose the next 10 pounds by May 1st, and so forth. You also need to list the steps it will require such as "Go to HIIT sessions 3 times a week: Mondays, Wednesday and Fridays". Y...